Montrela Inc.

Montrela Inc. - One Stop Business Solutions

Home Visitor Visa

Visitor Visa

Visitor visas are required for certain foreign nationals who wish to visit or travel through Canada. Depending on your citizenship, you may or may not require a temporary resident visa. If you do not need a visa to travel to Canada, a determination as to whether you will be allowed into Canada will be made upon your arrival to Canada at any port of entry (either at a land border or at the airport).
Eligibility Requirements
Foreign nationals who do require visas must first apply to a Canadian visa office abroad, before they travel to Canada. Applications will need to meet the following requirements:
  • have a valid travel document, such as a passport.
  • be in good health; a medical examination may be requested.
  • satisfy a visa officer that you have ties to your country of origin, such as a job, assets / property  and family and friends, which will ensure your return to your country.
  • satisfy a visa officer that you will leave Canada at the end of your visit.
  • have sufficient funds for your stay; the amount of money you will need can vary with the circumstances of the visit, how long you will stay and whether you will stay in a hotel or with friends or relatives.
  • you may also need a letter of invitation from someone who lives in Canada but not necessary if you are visiting for tourist purpose.

Visitor Visa


The visa office will provide a multiple-entry or single-entry visa, if your application is approved.  You can then use this visa to travel and enter Canada.