Montrela Inc.

Montrela Inc. - One Stop Business Solutions

Home Family Sponsorship

The Family Sponsorship program is an immigration pathway that allows Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their eligible family members to come and live in Canada as permanent residents. This program recognizes the importance of family unity and allows families to be together and build a life in Canada.

To be eligible as a sponsor under the Family Sponsorship program,

To be eligible as a sponsor under the family sponsorship program, you must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada. Sponsors are responsible for supporting their sponsored family members and ensuring they have the financial and emotional support to settle in Canada successfully.

Family Sponsorship

  • Spouse or Common-law Partner: Sponsors can sponsor their legally married spouses or common-law partners.
  • Parents and Grandparents: Sponsors can sponsor their parents or grandparents to join them in Canada.
  • Dependent Children: Sponsors can sponsor their dependent children, including adopted children.
  • Other Family Members: In some cases, sponsors may be able to sponsor other eligible family members, such as siblings or other relatives in certain circumstances.
  • Sponsorship Application: The sponsor initiates the process by submitting a sponsorship application to IRCC. This includes providing necessary documents, proof of relationship, and demonstrating the ability to financially support the sponsored family member.
  • Sponsored Individual’s Application: Upon approval of the sponsorship application, the sponsored family member must submit their own application for permanent residency, including required documents and medical examinations.
  • Processing and Review: IRCC reviews the sponsorship and individual applications, conducts background checks, and assesses the eligibility of the sponsored individual.
  • Approval and Issuance of PR Status: If the applications are approved, the sponsored family member will be granted permanent residency status in Canada.

The requirements may include:

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